
Why Compendio?

So… we never really watched our lectures in uni.

Cartoon of Ada and Angeni

Ada and Angeni flying the plane while building it

The thing is, we do love to learn - discovering new concepts and ideas about the world around us is kind of magical.

But when it comes to lectures and that cool 40 minute video essay on YouTube, we always seem to be fighting a deteriorating attention span, and we just don't have all the time in the world. And from talking to our friends, we definitely weren't the only ones stuck in this loop. So what do we do?

What started as a little proof-of-concept for a hackathon project has been supported by our community (including Blackbird Protostars and our lecturers!) to grow into a vision for a platform that puts the learning experience directly in the hands of the student. Get an overview of a topic, ask questions, and dig deeper into the tough bits. Whoever you are, we hope Compendio helps you discover more in less time, and have a little fun in the process ❤️

- Ada Luong and Angeni Bai

Compendio is always learning too! If you have any feedback, let us know 👾